Special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics: |
The Volume 164,
Part 2, of Discrete
Applied Mathematics, dedicated to a selection of refereed
full papers from LAGOS 2011, is already published.
Special issue of Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics: |
The Volume 37
of the Electronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics, dedicated to accepted extended
abstracts of LAGOS 2011, is already published.
List of accepted papers for presentation at LAGOS
2011: |
- A Branch-and-price algorithm for a Vehicle Routing Problem
with Cross-Docking
Fernando Santos, Geraldo Mateus and Alexandre
- A dynamic programming algorithm for the tree mapping problem
Alexandre Freire, Guilherme Puglia and
Carlos Ferreira.
- A graph-theoretical approach to cancelling critical elements
Jose Antonio Vilches, Rafael Ayala and
Desamparados Fernández-Ternero.
- A lower bound on the Chvatal-rank of Antiwebs
Holm Eugenia, Luis M Torres and Annegret
K. Wagler.
- A New Facet Generating Procedure for the Stable Set Polytope
Álinson S. Xavier and Manoel Campêlo.
- A New Formulation for Spanning Trees
Sebastián Urrutia and Abílio
- A note on counting orientations
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Guilherme Mota and
Roberto Parente.
- A note on random k-dimensional posets
Ricardo Corrêa, Carlos Hoppen, Yoshiharu
Kohayakawa and Rudini Sampaio.
- A polyhedral study of the single-item lot-sizing problem with
continuous start-up costs
María del Carmen Varaldo, Mariana
S. Escalante and Javier L. Marenco.
- A simple PTAS for Weighted Matroid Matching on Strongly Base
Orderable Matroids
Jose A. Soto.
- A Two Stage Stochastic Semidenite Relaxation for wireless OFDMA
Pablo Adasme, Abdel Lisser and Ismael Soto.
- Algebraic connectivity on a subclass of caterpillars
Oscar Rojo, Israel Rocha and Vilmar Trevisan.
- An effective compact formulation of the max cut problem on
sparse graphs
Giuseppe Lancia and Paolo Serafini.
- An Integer Linear Programming Formulation and Branch-and-Cut
Algorithm for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem
Hernan Berinsky and Paula Zabala.
- Approximating Subdense Instances of Covering Problems
Jean Cardinal, Marek Karpinski, Richard
Schmied and Claus Viehmann.
- Bichromatic Triangle Games
Gordana Manic, Daniel Martin and Milos
- Characterizations of Graphs with Stretch Number less than 2
Serafino Cicerone.
- Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs
Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán,
Martín Darío Safe and Annegret Wagler.
- Column Generation for Extended Formulations
Ruslan Sadykov and Francois Vanderbeck.
- Combinatorial properties and further facets of maximum edge
subgraph polytopes
Javier Marenco and Daniela Saban.
- Comparing trees characteristic to chordal and dually chordal
Pablo De Caria and Marisa Gutierrez.
- Computing and Counting the Longest Paths on Circular-Arc Graphs
in Polynomial Time
George B. Mertzios and Ivona Bezakova.
- Contracting chordal graphs and bipartite graphs to paths and
Pinar Heggernes, Pim van 't Hof, Benjamin
Lévêque and Christophe Paul.
- Convex Recoloring of Paths
Karla Roberta Lima and Yoshiko Wakabayashi.
- Counting perfect matchings of cubic graphs in the geometric
Andrea Jiménez and Marcos Kiwi.
- Disjunctive ranks and anti-ranks of some facet-inducing inequalities
of the acyclic coloring polytope
Mónica Braga and Javier Marenco.
- Ear decompositions of join covered graphs
Luciano L. Silveira and Marcelo H. Carvalho.
- Efficient Constraint Propagation for Graph Coloring
Frederic Boussemart, Fred Hemery, Christophe
Lecoutre and Mouny Samy Modeliar.
- Efficient Pattern Matching on Graph Patterns of Bounded Treewidth
Takashi Yamada and Takayoshi Shoudai.
- Envy-free division of discrete cakes
Javier Marenco and Tomás Tetzlaff.
- Exponentially large Superfluous set of Edges of De Bruijn and
Kautz graphs
Eduardo Alberto Canale Bentancourt.
- Finding an induced subdivision of a digraph
Joergen Bang-Jensen, Frederic Havet and
Nicolas Trotignon.
- Flooding Games on Graphs
Aurélie Lagoutte, Mathilde Noual
and Eric Thierry.
- Forbidden subgraphs and the König property
Mitre Costa Dourado, Guillermo Durán,
Luerbio Faria, Luciano Norberto Grippo and Martín Darío
- Global Offensive Alliances in Graphs via Degree Sequences
Ararat Harutyunyan.
- Hamiltonian Cycles in Kneser Graphs for n=2k+2
Letícia Rodrigues Bueno, Celina
Miraglia Herrera Figueiredo, Luerbio Faria, Candido Ferreira Xavier
Mendonça and Rodrigo de Alencar Hausen.
- Near-perfect graphs with polyhedral N+(G)
Silvia Bianchi, Mariana Escalante, Nasini
Graciela and Levent Tunçel.
- New branch-and-bound algorithms for k-cardinality tree problems
Luidi Simonetti, Fabio Protti, Yuri Frota
and Cid Souza.
- New Reoptimization Techniques employed to Steiner Tree Problem
Anna Zych and Davide Bilo.
- Non-separating cliques, asteroidal number and leafage. The
4-asteroidal split graphs.
Liliana Alcón.
- On an anti-Ramsey property of random graphs
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Pavlos Konstadinidis
and Guilherme Mota.
- On Coloring Problems of Snark Families
Diana Sasaki, Simone Dantas and Celina
M. H. de Figueiredo.
- On lower bounds for the b-chromatic number of connected bipartite
Mekkia Kouider and Mario Valencia-Pabon.
- On the Complexity of the Decisive Problem in Simple and Weighted
Fabián Riquelme and Andreas Polyméris.
- On the facets of the lift-and-project relaxations of graph
Néstor E. Aguilera, Mariana S. Escalante
and Pablo G. Fekete.
- On the Maximum Uniquely Restricted Matching for Bipartite Graphs
Sounaka Mishra.
- On the primal-dual column generation method for combinatorial
Pedro Munari, Pablo González-Brevis
and Jacek Gondzio.
- Oriented coloring of triangle-free planar graphs and 2-outerplanar
Pascal Ochem and Alexandre Pinlou.
- Polyhedral results for the Equitable Coloring Problem
Daniel Severin, Graciela Nasini and Isabel
- Polynomial instances of the Packing Coloring Problem
Gabriela R. Argiroffo, Graciela L. Nasini
and Pablo Torres.
- Polynomial reductions between the Limited Packing and Tuple
Domination problems in graphs
Maria P. Dobson, Valeria Leoni and Graciela
- Probe interval and probe unit interval graphs on superclasses
of cographs
Guillermo Alfredo Durán, Luciano
Norberto Grippo and Martín Darío Safe.
- Reduce graphs for min-cut/max-flow approaches in image segmentation
Lucas Létocart, Nicolas Lermé
and François Malgouyres.
- Restricted coloring problems on graphs with few P4s
Victor Campos, Claudia Linhares-Sales,
Karol Maia, Nicolas Martins and Rudini Sampaio.
- Robust Planning for an Open-Pit Mining Problem under Ore-Grade
Guido Lagos, Daniel Espinoza, Eduardo Moreno
and Jorge Amaya.
- Selfish Square Packing
Cristina G. Fernandes, Carlos E. Ferreira,
Flavio K. Miyazawa and Yoshiko Wakabayashi.
- Short coverings and matching in weighted graphs
Emerson Carmelo and Anderson Martinhão.
- Solving the segmentation problem for the 2010 Argentine census
with integer programming
Diego Delle Donne, Guillermo Durán
and Javier Marenco.
- Some advances on Lovasz-Schrijver N+(.) Relaxations
on the Fractional Stable Set Polytope
Silvia Bianchi, Mariana Escalante, Graciela
Nasini and Levent Tunçel.
- Some applications of the Schutzenberger-Bertoni counting method
Andres Montoya, Luis Eduardo Zambrano and
Francisco Gutierrez.
- Some Related Functions to Integer GCD and Coprimality
Sidi Mohamed Sedjelmaci.
- Stability in geodesics for memoryless binary long-lived consensus
Cristina Fernandes and Maya Stein.
- String graphs of k-bend paths on a grid
Elad Cohen, Anderi Asinowski, Martin Golumbic,
Vincent Limouzy, Marina Lipshteyn and Michael Stern.
- Strong reducibility of powers of paths and powers of cycles
on Impartial Solitaire Clobber
Telma Pará, Simone Dantas and Sylvain
- Stronger column generation bounds for the Minimum Cost Hop-and-root
Constrained Forest Problem
Dilson Pereira and Alexandre Cunha.
- The difference between clique graphs and iterated clique graphs
Pablo De Caria.
- The minimum cut cover problem
Edna Hoshino.
- The relative degree and large complete minors in infinite graphs
Maya Stein and José Zamora.
- Two Dimensional Knapsack with Unloading Constraints
Jefferson Silveira, Eduardo Xavier and
Flavio K. Miyazawa.
- Two Dimensional Strip Packing with Unloading Constraints
Jefferson Silveira, Eduardo Xavier and
Flavio K. Miyazawa.
Number of submitted papers: 144 |
Deadline for Submissions and Author Notification: |
Submissions are due
November 15th, 2010. A special volume of Electronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics (ENDM) will be dedicated to
accepted extended abstracts. Authors are invited to submit an extended
abstract in English through the online submission system.
| |
The extended abstracts
must comply with the ENDM Latex style and are
limited to six pages, including the front matter, text, and references.
An optional appendix can be included with proofs, sketchs of proofs,
or additional results which may help the reviewing process. This appendix
has no page limit and will not be included in the ENDM special volume. |
notices will be sent to authors via e-mail by January 31st, 2011.
A special issue of Discrete
Applied Mathematics will be devoted to selected full papers
from the symposium upon refereeing. |
The call for papers
can be downloaded from this link. |
A special issue of Discrete
Applied Mathematics will be devoted to selected full papers
from the symposium upon refereeing.
We invite all contributing authors from LAGOS 2011 to submit full-paper
versions of the extended abstracts accepted and presented at the
conference, as well as papers of general interest within the conference
themes. Please note that, in the first case, the full papers must
include substantial enhancements with respect to the extended abstracts
(including proofs, further results, computational experience, etc.)
and must comply with the instructions for authors and quality requirements
of Discrete Applied Mathematics. The full papers will be subject
to a new refereeing process.
We also extend this invitation to the LAGOS 2011 plenary and semi-plenary
speakers, who can submit papers related to their talks at the conference
or papers of general interest within the conference themes.
The full papers must be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial
System (http://ees.elsevier.com/dam).
When submitting your paper, be sure to specify that the paper is
a contribution for "Special Issue: LAGOS 2011".
The deadline for submission of full papers is October 31st,
2011. Please note that there will not be an extension of this